Jan 25, 2016
Jan 18, 2016
A wound that is deep but a small point of entry (i.e. nail). This allows the bacteria to get stuck inside. Thus it won't always bleed cuz the opening is too small for it to make it out. So if the blood can't get out, then antibiotic ointments can't get in.
Jan 11, 2016
Calcium is a natural element (yep, one of those periodic table guys). Our teeth and our bones are made strong by it.
For most healthy adults, daily recommended amount is 1000 mg. For females approaching 50 years old, recommendation increases to 1200 mg to 15oo mg per day.
The trick to supplementation is knowing...
Jan 3, 2016
The FDA and EPA agree that certain medications are okay to flush. The comparison being, the medication, though diluted, are still being present in tap water after filtration and purification, or a kid or petor junkie eating it out of your trash and getting really hurt or dying.
This is usually the advice...