Nov 23, 2015
Nov 16, 2015
1. Know how your body works and how to know when something goes wrong
2. If you have a chronic disease, know the ins and outs of it
2b.Finding friends or a community to support you
3. Do research about the decisions that you make, don’t just trust ads and fads
4*. Choose a healthcare...
Nov 9, 2015
This test measures the percentage of your hemoglobin (the protein in your red blood cells that carry oxygen) has been coated in glucose. When there’s a lot of extra sugar floating around, it tends to stick to the other things floating around with it. Red blood cells live for 120 days*, so that’s a...
Nov 2, 2015
Without insulin, you would die!
Sugar scrub = sugar + water (+/-
essential oils)
- a good exfoliant to
remove dead skin
Your tiniest capillaries are so small that red blood cells can barely squeeze through one at a time. So, if the fluid around the red blood cell is full of sugar, it’s...